Sunday, August 1, 2010

friday night lights

I missed a crucial piece of our Pioneer Day weekend fun! On Friday we trekked out to Rocky Mountain Raceways to watch Parker's brother Mike "take state" on his motorcycle.

The night was so fun! I was taken aback by the turnout when we made our way over to the tent. It was like a little family reunion! Kids running around crazy, boys drooling over Mike's bike, girls talking New York trips and Broadway musicals and biting nails as he made his way over to the track. I've never had an entourage but I think it's something you know when you see it...and I saw it that night. Mr. Mike is too popular for his own good.

Mike rode like a propassed a few pros in factand ended the night with two first place finishes and a sweet piece of hardware to add to his collection.
The RMR complex topped off the night with a sweet fireworks show in celebration of our pioneers. I don't think I've ever been so close to live neat! I highly recommend it.
Chris & Mikell's adorable girls! Kate, Emma & Ella
Despite Mike's races getting my adrenaline pumping and the ever-so-fun girl talk sessions, I think my favorite part of the night was watching Parker interact with our little niece Ella. He just loves her so much! He always talks about how he loves her silliness...loves seeing how she cracks herself up. And as I watched her snuggle in closer to him during the race I could tell the feeling was mutual. She loves her Uncle Parker too. It's the sweetest thing.
Parker & Ella...4th of July 2009
Parker's always said I'd be a boy mom, and even though I protested this observation at first, the more we spend time with Lara & Kirk's boys the more I have to agree. I actually even reached a point where I thought I would be totally ok with a bunch of little boys. That was a big day for this girly girl.
But now it looks like that day has passed. Seeing Parker with Ella reaffirmed my belief that we will have a little girl someday. I think we both need that experience, and whether or not our little daughter survives me as a mom, Parker will more than make up for it by being the best girl dad. I know that.

So...thanks Mike for a fun night full of little epiphanies. We are and always will be your biggest fans JJJ

1 comment:

  1. Parkers little neices are just darling! Congrats to Mike, he is pretty amazing.
    I'm guessing Kristy gets a few gray hairs watching him's what we mom's do best-worry as we cheer you on. Love your blog, Chels!
